Various Standarts of Beauty

The most surprising image of a beautiful person was probably in the culture of the ancient Maya tribes. Being the dedicated sun worshipers they were eager to resemble their god. The flat and round face with the nose which is not protruded forward was the most desirable one. These “perfect” face features were the ones that everyone wanted to have. The offspings of Maya still have the batter noses. To reach this effect the scull of a baby was fixed in a special pieces of wood. The flexible bones of a baby were deformed in the way which made his head reminding the disc of the sun. The sign of the feminine beauty was the squinting. When a baby girl was born her parents hang the colored balls above her bed and the girl was growing cross-eyed for sure. Another fashionable trick was to grind the teeth down and cover the remains with the ruby or emerald powder. The adult women covered their body with a sticky smelly red butter. Wearing that strange greasy film on their bodies they were considered to be elegant. They also painted their faces.

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